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What You Need to Know About Trademarks
A trademark is a name, design, sound, moving image, mode of packaging, etc. that lets the public distinguish your service or product from someone else’s. For example, when you see the golden arches, you know it’s McDonald’s, and when you see the famous swoosh, you...

How Well Do You Know Canadian Law? Take Our Quiz
Here's a quiz about some very common situations you may come across: moving day, a garage sale, a bar fight (yikes!) and more. Answer all five questions and then check the answers at the end. Let us know how you did by posting your score out of 5 to our social media...

Renting Summer Fun
Rent a summer vehicle without worry Canada is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. So even if we can’t travel abroad just yet, there are plenty of exciting things to do this summer, whether you’re into boating, camping, off-road riding or getting into a...

Managing A Divorce
Looking for an easy divorce? If a split from your partner is in your future, there are changes to the divorce laws in Canada that you should know about, especially if you have children. The revisions to the Divorce Act are substantial, with new rules, new definitions...