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Returning To Work Post-COVID
What to expect when returning to the office You’ve been working from home for much of the past 18 months or so. It took a while, but you finally sorted out Zoom meetings, wardrobe protocols and the many distractions from children, pets and partners. And now… it may...

What are Demand Letters?
Owed money? A demand letter can help A demand letter, also known as a lawyer’s letter or mise en demeure, is a written document that puts another party on notice and serves as a formal demand for some kind of action. Perhaps someone owes you money and you want to be...

The Ins and Outs of a Living Will
Broadly speaking, a living will is a document that sets out how you would like to be cared for if you become medically incapacitated in some way, either partially or completely, short-term or long-term. The expression “living will” is commonly used in Canada...

Know the Rules of Renting a Cottage
Know the rules of renting a cottage If you thought finding a place to rent in the countryside was tough this year, wait until you hear about the rules! This is not your nostalgic weekend cottage anymore, where friends and family gather for BBQs and cozy nights...